Publishing Background
Helen started her publishing career about twenty years ago in the marketing department of Random House. She soon became the Director of Advertising and Promotion for one of their divisions, The Crown Publishing Group. After twelve years she moved to New York's Hudson Valley, where she worked at an independent bookstore as the Author Events Director.She founded the agency in 2003 and enjoyed early success with the New York Times bestseller Chosen by A Horse. Her experience working at a large publishing house and an independent bookstore gives her a unique and invaluable insight into each project that she works on. She is well aware of the value of in-house buzz, online marketing, store placement, social media, author platform, etc. and works hard to make sure all of these marketing components are in place for each and every project.
It is her goal to successfully steer her clients through the entire publication process, from writing, editing and polishing the content to marketing, publicity, production, and all aspects of the publication process. She has been a member of AAR since 2007.
She regularly attends writers' conferences:
- Washington Independent Review of Books Writers Conference
- Yale Writers' Conference
- American Society of Journalists and Authors Conference
- Writer's Digest Conference
- LaJolla Writer's Conference
- Gulf Coast Writers Conference
- Kansas Writers Association Conference
- New York Writers Workshop
- Self Publishing Book Expo
- Burlington Writers' Conference
- Southern Expressions Writers' Conference
- Literary Writers' Conference, NYC